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Перевод: mutilate speek mutilate

увечить; калечить; уродовать; изувечивать; искажать


  1. I also had high hopes of the Electricity Board, particularly as I had taken to cutting "Miss" off my meter reading cards with scissors and it was one of those cards you aren't allowed to cut or mutilate as it upsets the computer.
  2. The third group includes patients who mutilate themselves, usually in the context of a serious psychiatric illness.
  3. As for the subtlety, that seemed quite alien to the woman who coochy-cooed over children she wanted to mutilate.
  4. To mutilate this repository of human experience is to mutilate our most fundamental perceptions".
  5. The management of patients who mutilate themselves while in a disturbed state will include treatment of the disorder that has led to the disturbance and will invariably have to be initiated in the psychiatric inpatient setting.
  6. If Labour looks like becoming credible, Conservatives must find any stick with which to mutilate the appearance of a smooth conversion.
  7. General Howard had meanwhile reached the Big Hole on 10th August and resumed his pursuit three days later, after watching his Bannock scouts mutilate the Nez Perce dead.
  8. Conversely, Orientals and Africans rarely mutilate their pets for cosmetic purposes, but the trimming of puppies ears of certain breeds to make them stand erect or the breaking and subsequent resetting of the tails of American saddle-bred horses is, or was until very recently, a common practice in American dog and horse-show circles.
  9. To loose them off together, scatter-gun fashion: Stavrogin says "I am making this statement, incidentally, to prove I am in full possession of my mental faculties and understand my position"; "I want to forgive myself, this is my chief aim, my whole aim"; "I want everyone to look at me"; "I fall back on this as my last resource"; "The thing about me then was I felt bored with life, sick and tired of it"; "I am seeking boundless suffering"; "I took it into my head to mutilate my life somehow" (not necessarily the same thing as seeking suffering, any more than seeking suffering need entail accepting it).
  10. It is going to wipe out millions of children mutilate their imaginations."
  11. None of the fatal accidents or occupational diseases mentioned earlier were the result of any corporate officials intending to kill or mutilate hundreds of employees, customers, or civilians.
  12. At least eight prison inmates attempt suicide or mutilate themselves daily according to the Howard League for Penal Reform which said the catalogue of self-injuries, almost 3,000 incidents last year, was an "appalling record".

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