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Перевод: obliged

обязанный; принужденный


  1. In the other loyalist groups there were a number of competing leadership figures who offered differing responses to events and who were obliged to engage in more extensive consultation with their supporters before pronouncing.
  2. Were you obliged to attend Sunday school?
  3. The garrison at Fort Tregantle were eventually obliged to evacuate the fort and camp along the lee side of the hill until the bodies had been removed.
  4. The government could not, it decided, be obliged to alter the very basis of its system of documentation.
  5. Bones obliged him in everything he asked, even shaking him tenderly back into the saddle when he flew up round his ears or slipped tailwards.
  6. Labour was obliged to match Patten with Bryan Gould: "I would agree that Thatcher and Patten understand global warming," said Gould's environmental researcher and adviser, Nigel Stanley.
  7. Dolphins captured in nets can be freed if skippers and crew are sufficiently compassionate or are legally obliged to do so.
  8. The ones you can get for lunch - there are plenty - will likely forget every word you tell them, and they certainly don't feel obliged to help."
  9. The response to the experimental car has been so encouraging that Smith believes he will be obliged to offer a production version, costing probably around 12,500, in "almost built-up" form.
  10. This enables efficient connections, although airpass passengers are obliged to go on standby for each leg.
  11. Moreover, since roubles are inconvertible, the National Bank has been obliged to issue dinars to Yugoslav exporters in exchange for blocked roubles, and thus to increase the domestic money supply.
  12. This reduced price roughly equated to a 6% interest rate, which was passable in the 1960's, and was done on the recorded and explicit understanding that playing bondholders paid the full subscription; although not obliged to do so it was regarded as a "moral liberty".
  13. I am obliged to use the awkward and inadequate word "Art-history" for it.

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