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Перевод: observer speek observer

выполняющий; соблюдающий;
наблюдатель ; обозреватель ; соблюдающий законы; летчик-наблюдатель ; блюститель нравов; выполняющий обещания


  1. Leonard was a very close observer, and collector, of this scene; always keeping his hand in with his guitar, writing much of his early poetry to the sound of its music: the emerging Nashville sound, Muddy Waters, Chuck Berry, Big Joe Turner, The Drifters, The Clovers, Guitar Slim and, most of all, Ray Charles, whose first hit, "Baby Let Me Hold Your Hand" in 1951, marked the onset of an astonishing career.
  2. To an observer Wexford might be thought only to be sitting, like many other inhabitants of Kingsmarkham, waiting for the storm to break.
  3. Only an idealized observer could see both the inner processing and the causal relations of the symbols to outside objects that give them meaning: no one could actually be that idealized observer, because each observer is confined to operating on the symbols that are within his computational machinery, and this excludes their external causal relations.
  4. The observer's readiness to modify is admirably honest (Mr Palomar is a nice man) and ultimately exhausting: the process of adjustment can go only so far before atrophy threatens.
  5. To a remote observer at rest relative to the centre of the object, the two pictures of expansion or collapse are manifestly not symmetric.
  6. As Geoffrey Lean and Fred Pearce wrote in a survey reported in the Observer in August 1989,
  7. The extreme form of participant observation - what I have called the "complete participant" - is, in fact, typified by the spy, who is believed by members of the group to be a genuine member of that group and is not known to be an observer at all.
  8. Imagine a source at B on the collapsing surface, S , sending light waves radially out to the remote observer at A , who is stationary with respect to the centre of the object.
  9. Convention has it that the source of parallel rays of light is behind the observer's left shoulder at 45 to the x , y and z axes.
  10. The force is known as Onuca - a Spanish acronym for US Observer Group For Central America.
  11. It was better, but not a lot, and McLeish who knew her to be in her late fifties decided any casual observer would put her at nearer seventy.
  12. An observer only a kilometre inside the edge of the path of totality, for example, would see total eclipse lasting for a mere 15 seconds.
  13. In effect, as McKay and Cox indicate (1979, p. 255), "no sensible observer inside government or out could expect the limited measure announced in 1977 to transform the inner city".

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