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Перевод: oneness speek oneness

одиночество; единичность ; исключительность ; идентичность ; единство; тождество; согласие


  1. He prized too highly the Judaic emphasis of the wholeness of man's nature - oneness - his enjoyment of the gift of sexuality; and he criticised - at least e silencio - the false views that dichotomised and castrated man.
  2. Lawrence put his money on the islanders: "In the end, the strange, sinister spirit of the place will smash our mechanical oneness into smithereens."
  3. In so doing, from his earliest possible moments, Leonard Cohen became a witness in testifying to the unity of God (his "oneness") and his creation.
  4. Whether all this adds up to Mr Winchester's "inchoate oneness", scheduled to mature in a generation or so, is open to doubt.
  5. His deeper and more influential education was thereby commenced, based on the key concept of "oneness", which would be intensified by the traditional recitations and questionings the eldest son asks of his father at Passover and the other festivals, and by his presence from an early age in the synagogue.
  6. The profound embarrassment of Morrissey's dancing turned the lack of oneness with your body into glamour.
  7. The sense of delight, of gentle wonder, the startled realisation of his sense of her bodily perfection and spiritual grace is consummated not merely in their mutual passion but more enduringly in that oneness which is beyond time and space, which understands the fragility of love as well as its strengths, its ethereal qualities as well as its physical needs.
  8. But this should not obscure from us the fact that Judaism resisted stoutly the prudery that stultified sexuality throughout the West, and always retained a high and honoured place for bodily functioning and its pleasures - as becomes indeed, a gift from God: "Man and woman are one body and one soul, (oneness reasserted, as ever), and it is this powerful union which it projects and enhances.
  9. DEEP, deep down, on a level only recognised by hints and murmurs, an inchoate, undefined sense of oneness, of coterminous identity is growing among some of the peoples and some of the places of the Pacific.
  10. Even in the Renaissance the figure could "symbolise the essential oneness of the sexes" (p. 140), and, with reference back to Plato's Symposium , the recovery of an original lost unity (itself intrinsically sexual).
  11. Not so! asserts our poet - there is no difference between the sacred and the secular, prayer or work (which have the same root in Hebrew); "oneness" will out!
  12. The word itself is derived from two Greek words: holos and kaustos ; the former, "wholeness", has a tragically ironic edge to it in the light of Leonard's concerns for "oneness".
  13. Look for the Pacific's "inchoate oneness", and the divisions become ever more obvious.

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