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Перевод: opaque speek opaque

непрозрачный; светонепроницаемый; матовый; темный; тупой;
темнота ; мрак


  1. The small magnifying lens is opaque with Scholl's Athletes Foot Powder, and progress up or down is difficult to discern.
  2. Power would move away from the people, to a remote and opaque institution.
  3. Bolshevism, for the more sophisticated Party cadres, was battered by events into a defensive, half-shamefaced, opaque Russian patriotism.
  4. Movement can be produced using silhouettes on the opaque screen.
  5. The dense bodies (250-;300 nm), so-called because of the electron-dense opaque internal content when visualized with the electron microscope, are the storage sites for 5-hydroxytryptamine, adenine nucleotides, calcium and pyrophosphate (Holmsen Weiss, 1979).
  6. In the narrow region of the spectrum where the dye absorbs, it will appear opaque.
  7. At the centre of the pond the water was opaque, a lush green with a smooth surface of tiny plant leaves.
  8. The "opaque" areas of experience, of institutions, and daily living, if they had not disappeared by Gregory's time, had become absorbed into a Christian universe as translucent parts.
  9. Artwork layout is not opaque to UV light, permitting UV to pass through transfers etc.
  10. The wind was hissing loudly over them, whipping off their tops and spraying them into a conveyor-belt of sand, an opaque draught, streaming across the road and up and over the dunes on the other side.
  11. Sheldrake's hypothesis predicts that it should be easier for people who do not speak Turkish to learn the real rhyme, even though it seems no less opaque to non-Turkish speakers than the fake one, because millions of Turks have already learned the rhyme in the past.
  12. Materials for preparing boards using the ultraviolet system: positive artwork, UV aerosol resist (2 types shown), developer, Dalo "Red" Pen (opaque to UV), copper clad board and pre-coated board.
  13. An ordinary shut door, for example, would not be opaque to you, if you were one of those species of bat or whale who relied heavily upon detection of sound waves!

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