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Перевод: option speek option

выбор ; право выбора; свобода выбора; вариант ; опция ; право выбора или замены; предмет выбора; оптация [юр.] ; опцион [ком.] ; сделка с премией; средство


  1. Thirty years ago this change would have been more likely to coincide with marriage; today it coincides with becoming a parent, and its significance may be underrated as maternity leave holds open the option of a very early return to work.
  2. Other automated items such as baskets and shake alarms (signalling the moment during cooking when it is necessary to shake the basket so as to ensure even cooking throughout) are already available as an option on many machines, while some units will even tell you when to change the oil!
  3. Convertible debt with a premium put option contains an option for the holder to demand redemption (either at the maturity of the debt or at some earlier date) for an amount which is in excess of the amount originally received for the debt.
  4. Both units have an integrated U/V option, and like Cyprio, guarantee clear water if this option is taken up.
  5. "I had the option of pulling him out because I was concerned about the ground, but the run has shown that I have been far too soft on him.
  6. For overseas businesses registered in other EC member states which are making supplies in the UK, the simplification option allows them to avoid UK VAT registration, but requires the UK customer to account for VAT due on the supply.
  7. There is another option: export.
  8. Amstrad, following extensive option trading with more than 3,200 contracts, was at one time down 5.5p at 57p.
  9. There is a call and put option in place that requires the seller to repurchase the property.
  10. Our reservations staff will advise which option is available.
  11. And it must be stressed that the clean-up option is just that, an option.
  12. Rovers vice-chairman Geoff Dunford explained: "Dennis was given the option to work alongside Allison, but he chose to leave."
  13. Married couples will have the option of splitting the married couple's allowance between them as they choose.

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