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Перевод: orally speek orally

устно; ртом; для приема внутрь


  1. The Mycenaean past remained a folk-memory of the Greeks that was preserved orally, culminating in the epics of Homer.
  2. Mme Maury was not happy with the idea of administering the essences orally.
  3. However, given simply worded questions on computation, and time to complete their working, most of the lowest attaining pupils had no more difficulty with written than with orally presented questions.
  4. The news was predominantly heartening, as it became plain that investigation of endothelin action is entering a new phase with characterization of the receptors concerned and the advent of selective, potent and orally active receptor antagonists.
  5. They will be maximally stressed and probably able to take little orally due to vomiting and/or impaired gastrointestinal absorption.
  6. Most notably name: ( ) reported the development of Ro 46-;2005, a non-peptide, orally active, non-receptor-selective antagonist which ameliorates the consequences of severely impaired kidney blood flow and blood clots on the brain.
  7. Despite this opposition, the government went ahead and enacted legislation which required magistrates to hear all complaints orally.
  8. Simply written test items do not necessarily disadvantage the lowest attaining pupils, while some orally administered questions do.
  9. any fact required to be proved at the trial of any action begun by writ by the evidence of witnesses shall be proved by the examination of witnesses orally and in open court.
  10. Acyclovir given intravenously, orally or applied directly at the site of infection can accelerate healing and restrict the spread and recurrence of many herpes infections ( British Medical Journal, 1982, vol 285, p 1223.).
  11. Dr Wesnes said it was a well tested drug which only caused Alzheimer type symptoms when injected rather than being taken orally as a travel sickness remedy
  12. When he was admitted to the ward, Mr Reynolds' temperature was recorded orally at 36.8 C. Throughout the pre-operative period it remained within normal limits.
  13. In the great majority of cases this teaching would be communicated orally, for Gospels were in short supply and many converts were illiterate.
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