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Перевод: orchestra speek orchestra

оркестр ; место для оркестра или хора; партер


  1. For over twenty years I have been experimenting with how we show music: not only the work of the orchestra, how they play, but also the way the instruments are brought in as part of the musical argument.
  2. She heard so well, and sang always with the orchestra.
  3. The transcriptions are no less taxing, with virtuoso writing for all the orchestra.
  4. If the Archbishop would only trust me, I should soon make his orchestra famous.
  5. First he has an Idea, say a sweet Melachrino-type string sound; he then decides this will take an orchestra of say 24 players (sidemen) and then chooses a suitable conductor and arranger.
  6. When Schoenberg asks for the piccolo to play ppp in the top level of its register "so schwach wie mglich" with the bassoon and solo strings at different dynamic levels, and then asks for completely different textures and dynamics in the next variation, I know that this cannot be properly realized by an orchestra in a concert-hall seated in the conventional way.
  7. I say to the orchestra, this is not the way; you must think of the last bars as a fermata, a fermata that lasts the entire length of the coda.
  8. The Festival also plays a role in the artistic renaissance of Birmingham, a profile confirmed by the continuing success of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, under its Artistic Director, Simon Rattle, the recent move of both the Birmingham Royal Ballet (formerly Sadler's Wells Royal Ballet) and the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company to Birmingham, the newly launched "Towards The Millennium" annual arts Festival and the Arts Council of Great Britain's invitation to Birmingham to launch Arts 2000, as the UK City of Music in 1992.
  9. NEXT time Simon Rattle and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra perform Messiaen's Et Exspecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum they should do it in a great cathedral.
  10. The air was cold on stage, the little orchestra seemed to be down a mine and all she could see was a very small bald head and a very long baton.
  11. Looking back, we could see the orchestra and everyone swaying and whirling round, and the room lights glittering.
  12. But watching the films being edited down, I found myself studying neither Karajan nor the orchestra.
  13. There Rowicki created the Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, building it from scratch and directing it for the next five years.

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