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Перевод: oscillating

колеблющийся; качающийся; осциллирующий; колебательный


  1. Oscillating between wild extremes of behaviour is interesting, but ill-advised and unnecessary.
  2. In recent years there has been some evidence that they are even more evasive, changing identity by oscillating from one type of neutrino to another.
  3. It had bare, exposed recitative telling how Jubal killed a swan and learnt music from its dying song, and twanging, soft, oscillating piano octaves within which the voice was supposed to lodge with accurate purity.
  4. According to North, it is not inconceivable that such an oscillating striking device, triggered at suitably chosen intervals by a hydraulic clock, pointed the way to the first mechanical escapement proper.
  5. Bells played a prominent part in medieval life, and mechanisms for ringing them, made of toothed wheels and oscillating levers, may have helped to prepare for the invention of mechanical clocks.
  6. There may well be all sorts of deviations and fluctuations here; the whole system expands and becomes complicated, develops and is continuously in motion and oscillating but, taken as a whole, it is in a state of equilibrium.
  7. The process necessitates rings of light oscillating up and down the body of the robot.
  8. The cross is meant to be imagined as oscillating backwards and forwards.
  9. Dane O'Hara probably still wakes up at night and sees Ferguson oscillating in front of him.
  10. Once again, it is the oscillating motion of the cross within the circle which symbolizes that forthcoming conflict between positive, evolutionary forces and negative dissolutionary forces during life on Earth that gives birth to the Swastika in both its configurations, i.e. right-angled or left-angled.
  11. These devices work on the principle that the oscillating frequency of a crystal under an applied voltage changes with crystal mass.
  12. Thus oscillating neutrinos must have mass; but massive neutrinos need not oscillate.
  13. He passed this beam through holes in a rotating wheel, or oscillating miniature venetian blind, to chop it up or "modulate" it.

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