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Перевод: outcome speek outcome

результат ; последствие; исход ; развязка ; выход


  1. Whether the radicals' anti-western rage takes wider hold depends on the outcome of the war.
  2. Pupils themselves disliked the way that they had previously been divided from one another; and although there had been considerable advances made in the early 1980s in running joint CSE/GCE courses and examinations, these were patchy and voluntary, and unlikely to have been acceptable to the more academic of those who had an interest in the outcome of the examinations, especially the universities.
  3. These data suggest that, for both men and women, outcome significantly depended on whether their wishes were considered, or, alternatively, that their wishes were taken more seriously in less serious cases.
  4. Every interview is valuable experience and good practice, so look on it as time well spent even if you are not hopeful about the outcome.
  5. Ackroyd's Wilde complains of the "sordid" interpretations of his conduct which had influenced the outcome of his trial, while himself, on other occasions, interpreting his conduct as sordid.
  6. Finally, visualise the positive outcome that you desire: perhaps confirmation that you are 100 per cent fit, that you have passed your exams, or that your finances are secure.
  7. Managers have not, on the whole, been predisposed to numerically oriented analysis, clinicians have not pushed for cost or outcome data preferring to focus upon patient care processes and cash inputs have been on the basis of fairly crude recurring allocations.
  8. A third interpretation is to say that the strategy has not been implemented and therefore the government is not fully responsible for the outcome.
  9. The ultimate outcome of this is, that without any exception whatsoever and despite all so-called "revelation", all religious writings have been produced entirely by man himself countless millenniums after the advent of life on earth.
  10. It is the outcome of a process which, for Harkabi, has its origins in the Israelis' overwhelming, intoxicating victory in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.
  11. Moreover, since Libyans voted ( sata : "to give voice") without benefit of attendant hustings, they had no illusion that the outcome was determined by the multiple decisions of individual minds concerned with policy or ideology.
  12. BMC General Secretary Derek Walker would not speculate on the outcome of these meetings, adding: "It would be wrong for me to pre-empt any decision of the Management Committee.
  13. Participate in a presentation, eg of the outcome of a group activity, a poem, a story or a scene .

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