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Перевод: Pentecost speek Pentecost

[имя собственное]
Троицын день; пятидесятница [рел.]


  1. It is highly significant that he had used this expression in a letter written from the conclave to a friend, Giuseppe Piazza, the Bishop of Bergamo: "My soul finds comfort in the thought that a new Pentecost can blow through the Church, renewing its head, leading to a new ordering of the ecclesiastical body and bringing fresh vigour in the journey towards truth, goodness and peace" (Capovilla, 1978b, p. 47).
  2. Among these are large canvases such as "Pentecost" by Restout, which serve to balance the received idea of eighteenth-century French art as portrayed by the Goncourt brothers which was based almost exclusively on portraits and small-scale works.
  3. At the time of Pentecost they appear to have numbered around four thousand (dependent on Josephus, Philo and Pliny) and to have established communities in most of the villages of Palestine.
  4. So when, after being filled with the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Peter meets the vast crowds in Jerusalem, he doesn't hesitate to speak clearly.
  5. The theme of the pack "Tongues of Fire" immediately reminds us of the power of the Holy Spirit coming to the apostles at Pentecost and their going out to spread the gospel message fired up with enthusiasm and courage.
  6. This period of inarticulate waiting began to end with "After Pentecost":
  7. We can see this clearly in the story of the men at Ephesus (Acts 19) who had not heard of the gift of Pentecost even though they were living many years after that event.
  8. There are those today who may be said to be living as though Pentecost had never taken place.
  9. And, as we know so well, the Holy Spirit fell on the day of pentecost with tongues as of fire.
  10. They can, however, be matched by almost any local historian: plenty cut = Pentecost, poyentyng = pointing (of tiles), hollyear = whole year, sarples and seaplece = surplice, sparrs = sparrows, comen = common, comenen = communion, cute = cut, and so on.
  11. Is it Pentecost or something?"
  12. John expressed this sense of burgeoning new life in the Church by calling the Council "a new Pentecost".
  13. In the Acts he shows how Christianity slowly spread, from the beginning on the day of Pentecost, into the Roman Empire.

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