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Перевод: penitential speek penitential



  1. Nor, as he fully intended to sin more, could he with any penitential fidelity see the consolation of confession or even of prayer.
  2. When the Knights first took over the island on their expulsion from the eastern Mediterranean, they saw it as a penitential desert exile.
  3. Likewise Caroline Bynum, in Holy Feast, Holy Fast , her book about medieval women religious, pours a rigorous historian's scorn on the idea that the extreme penitential fastings of some of these women can really be diagnosed as anorexic, or as any other sort of neurosis (as proposed for example by Rudolph Bell in Holy Anorexia ): not merely are the case histories inadequate, but these women's understanding of their bodies, of their relationship to Christ, of their right to participate in his sufferings, of their sense of identity, their very selves, was formed in a social environment so different from our own that nothing is to be gained by reading off their lives in this way rather than exploring in proper detail what it was they did feel and think.
  4. And alas, I thought, my penitential journey over, they didn't do it separately in the first place.
  5. All I wish to do here is to suggest that there are other ways of understanding or looking at extremes of penitential life which can suggest in them sources, not of neurotic repression but of freedom and self-ownership.
  6. By the third century it became common for at least some clergy in at least some places to wear either white or black - black being the more penitential.
  7. I rather like the whole penitential routine."
  8. There are extraordinarily vivid and exuberant pictures which are countered by others which have an almost penitential mood to them.
  9. Our generation dismisses the penitential Jesus of the Middle Ages or the gentlemanly Jesus of the Victorian drawing-rooms, but the selection of "Christs" which is offered today is worthy of the supermarket age - Jesus the Liberator, Jesus the Soul Man, Jesus the Blessed Master, Jesus the revolutionary, Jesus the archetypal poor man, Jesus the Great Prophet.
  10. When his Preces, or devotions, were published after his death, the printer described "the glorious deformity" of the original, "slubbered with his pious hands and watered with his penitential tears".
  11. This "seeing God", a project not just for the afterlife, not just "jam tomorrow", was the high ambition of anyone who took up a penitential life.
  12. There had been a time in the seventh century when Anglo-Saxon kings with many men's death on their consciences went to Rome to die in penitential garb.
  13. The ascetic and penitential purification was also seen by The Cloud as an essential prelude to the contemplative life together with the related monastic disciplines of Lectio, Meditatio and Oratio .

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