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Перевод: percolate speek percolate

просачиваться; проникать сквозь; процеживать; процедить; фильтровать; перколировать


  1. The fresher the soot, the longer it needed to percolate through the hessian, but within three or four days the water would be nicely laced.
  2. As the Navigator nudged Tormentum Malorum slowly nearer to the indicated zone, using only attitude jets, for Jaq a strange intuition of security began to percolate through the dread engendered by hulk and warp alike.
  3. This message has begun to percolate through the corridors of science power.
  4. Boyd followed her out and, without being told, put some coffee on to percolate.
  5. News concerning the development in style took a little time to percolate through to the country; a sculptor carving a resurrection scene on a 1707 headstone outside the south door of Uffington church, Oxfordshire, continues to depict the gable-lidded coffin.
  6. Changes percolate through gradually, much helped of course if there are major social and economic changes, such as the shortage of young people entering the labour market, which will inevitably open doors for women.
  7. Use the vibrating plate to encourage sand to percolate into fine cracks between blocks.
  8. Now it would be a question of building up contacts again, putting up a case which would percolate up through the echelons of power, hopefully gathering momentum and authenticity as it did so.
  9. If the concentration of modifying oxide is sufficient, the threads of modifier will percolate through the whole structure defining routes that avoid the insulating silicate network.
  10. Bilbo turns into a figure of folklore ("mad Baggins"), the elves and dwarves percolate through to our world as time shifters and ring-makers, even "the Dark Tower" remains as an image for "poor Tom" in King Lear .
  11. The main gathering of scholars was at Charles' court, and it seems clear that there was a conscious attempt to restore classical glories, even though much of this did not percolate far beyond the royal circle of intimates.
  12. In fact there is nothing fixed about such interpretations, because the way the fossils are understood may change over the years, but it is usually some time before new discoveries percolate into the popular presentations.
  13. Vines 5.50 is initially only available under Banyan's customised version of Unix, but the functionality will gradually percolate through to SCO Unix and Novell ENS (Enterprise Network Services) versions of Vines.

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