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Перевод: persecution speek persecution

преследование; гонение


  1. The church discovered in persecution, provided that it was inefficient (as most of it was), that even if some pagan observers thought the martyrs merely theatrical suicides (so the Emperor Marcus Aurelius), many others were led to ask questions.
  2. In Wales, the otter may not be recovering from declines caused by persecution and dieldrin, because of a lack of fish due to acidification.
  3. In the second and early third centuries persecution was often haphazard, caused by mob violence or by delation to the local governor who might be quite reluctant to react to the information handed in by complainants.
  4. Some had delusions of persecution or of grandeur.
  5. For many people attempting to escape from state persecution, it is impossible to apply for a passport to the very authorities who are inflicting the persecution.
  6. The effects of persecution on the Christians themselves were various.
  7. But he was also drawn to the Jews whom he met in their Polish villages, victims of persecution and war, "old Jews with prophets" beards and passionate rags', to their ruined ghettoes and synagogues.
  8. Refugees are people whose lives have been shattered by intolerance, persecution, torture and fear of death.
  9. The authority of the clergy had been second to none during the years of persecution and this appears to have strengthened as a direct result of Roman centralization from the 1850s onwards.
  10. As a result, the faith of those converted under his ministry withstood the tests of both severe persecution and time.
  11. The Hungarian minority was already complaining bitterly then of persecution - their plight widely regarded as the unfortunate flip-side of Ceausescu's ultra-nation alism, which at least kept the Rus sians at bay.
  12. Polgar has sued four Hungarian newspapers and the national radio for real or imagined persecution.
  13. While publishing Dawson on "Religion and the Totalitarian State", he selected for notice in the 1934 Criterion a book highlighting persecution of European Jews; he wrote to Pound speaking of his offence at Pound's antisemitic remarks; with regard to the Vichy government in 1941 he wrote in The Christian News-Letter of his "greatest anxiety" at news "that "Jews have been given a special status, based on the laws of Nuremberg, which makes their condition little better than that of bondsmen."
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