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Перевод: picky speek picky

придирчивый; разборчивый


  1. The story can, of course, be extended to include ligatures-they are the double letter combinations such as fi, ff, fl, etc but as most PostScript fonts only support fi (Option Shift 5) and fl (Option Shift 6) this may be a little picky.
  2. "But we are picky.
  3. He was a bit bird-like, a picky eater (especially when he was paying), fast in his movements and very thin in the sort of way that brings out the motherly best in women.
  4. To deal with these, and any imperfect nuts, there is no substitute for the keen eyes and picky fingers of rows of women, who scan moving belts which cunningly tip the nuts over to expose all their weaknesses, and remove offending objects.
  5. The nut appears to be plastic and, if I were to be really picky, has been cut a hair on the high side.
  6. Although these fish are not picky eaters, for breeding the addition of some live food when conditioning the fish is advisable.
  7. There's more of worth, more that uplifts in a single chorus of "We Need Money'" than in a dozen of your picky, pedantic articles!"
  8. OK, if you want to get picky guitars should purr, destroy and rejuvenate, and dance beats should prowl, pace and threaten.
  9. I get really finicky and picky.
  10. They called themselves the Rejects, and they were very picky about social status.
  11. Send the answer on a postcard to: Don't forget to include your name and address, and state whether you'd prefer vinyl/cassette/CD, you picky gits.
  12. But, Aptaker cautions, the company can be picky about which videos it accepts.
  13. I'm such a picky person that everything has to be perfect."

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