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Перевод: pie speek pie

пирог ; пирожок ; торт ; сладкий пирог; сорока [зоол.] ; груда смешанного шрифта; хаос ; ералаш ; самая мелкая индийская монета; диск


  1. SHEPHERDS' PIE (see recipe, page 161) served with unlimited carrots and/or green vegetables PLUS PEARS IN MERINGUE (see recipe, page 159) OR VEGETARIAN SHEPHERDS' PIE (see recipe, page 163) served with unlimited vegetables, plus a diet yogurt
  2. When the pie was opened the birds began to shout
  3. the oven Everything is apple pie.
  5. The pastry crust that had topped the pie during its parade through the village was not eaten for hygienic reasons, so 50,000 squares of puff pastry had been baked separately and these were reheated - not too successfully - in a mobile oven in the huge open-sided marquee into which the pie, on its trailer, eventually came to rest.
  6. And when the tailor and the little grey man were consuming the pie, whose warm smell filled the little house, the little grey man said, "Otto was right, you are a good and honest man, and you care - for all the creatures in this place, leaving no one unattended and nothing undone.
  7. Its television advertisements still portray a genuine Eskimo fisherman, who proudly declares: "You know what I like about Eskimo Pie?
  8. Growing apples is as easy as apple pie, if you are Joan Greenway of Highfield Nurseries.
  9. Alternatively the pie can be made well in advance and then warmed through in a moderate oven for 20 minutes, or microwaved on high for 5 minutes.
  10. He left school before the last lesson at three, went into town for pie and chips, got stocked up with coke and doughnuts for supper and went up to Firelight's field.
  11. More absurd was the sight of Johnny Marr in a Sale chip shop buying, wait for it, a steak pie.
  12. Let the pie rest for 5-;10 min before serving, or wait until it is cold, but be sure to serve it the day of making or the meringue may begin to weep.
  13. One pie, two mash.

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