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Перевод: piety speek piety

пиетет ; благочестие; набожность ; почтительность к родителям; почтительность к старшим; добродетельный поступок


  1. As well as tidying up the whole system, it re-affirms that the doctrine of saints has a place, but not the central place, in Catholic piety.
  2. Like her mother Jeanne was of a more sceptical frame of mind but she could not remain unaffected by the atmosphere of piety in the fifth-floor apartment.
  3. And as she pushed open the west door Miss Danziger was met by the scent of fennel, the six-foot stems of which towered over her from a huge stoneware pot, very different from the musty scent of piety that greeted her in English country churches.
  4. This sort of "fanatical" asceticism is currently not well received in intellectual theological circles, although popular piety is slower to abandon its old allegiances.
  5. Behind the ferocious piety and air of zeal which Brown he for the Commons and the conference, there lurks a mind as relaxed, deft and witty as, say, Michael Heseltine.
  6. Wesleyans had smarted most from criticisms that their ministers were neither educated nor cultured and admitted the need for a "cultivated as well as a consecrated ministry", a ministry of young men of "piety and culture" with "a more thorough training and a more complete equipment for the Ministry".
  7. At times she felt overwhelmed by his personality, which sometimes bordered on piety.
  8. I don't suggest that these unfavourable writings pushed him to do what he did, though I don't mind suggesting that the bigotry and vicarious piety they may be reckoned to contain could be classed among the negative experiences of the last months of his life.
  9. The little pinchable one will find it hard to settle down to housewife piety.
  10. As Mr V.P. Singh paid his humble respects at the seat of Sikh pride and piety, the militants' guns and the swords were put away.
  11. Ann stands for all the women of common-sense, warm affection, and practical piety that Edward repeatedly attempted to sketch realistically or to record in dream-like settings in his essays and sketches.
  12. I approve the deadly seriousness, the piety, the need for something sacred in your life.
  13. The churches reflect the piety and religious sentiment of the citizens in an age which naturally sought to express civic feeling in religious form.

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