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Перевод: pitchy speek pitchy

смоляной; смолистый; черный как смоль


  1. Big bonfires made of pitchy pinewood have a peculiar mystic fascination.
  2. God sends 'mongst men; it comes from depth of pitchy hell:
  3. Then anti-climax, as they watched its tail-lights in the pitchy dark, lights that seemed to throb and waver in their seared sight before they blazed redly when the brakes went on for the corner by the sailing club slipway.
  4. Mr Grimes led the way round to the back door and "the ash boy let them in, yawning horribly"; soon Tom was "in pitchy darkness, as much at home in a chimney as a mole is underground".
  5. When Dul looked back he smelled the burning of the Rebecca on the breeze; his companions told him that the column of pitchy smoke rose in the dawn like an offering.

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