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Перевод: pithy speek pithy

с сердцевиной; сжатый; содержательный; сильный; энергичный; губчатый


  1. Turnips: keep moist throughout growth, otherwise roots may be hot and pithy.
  2. In a guestroom or in a group of friends and kinsmen the characteristic devices of discussion were the pithy interjection and the rhetorical question.
  3. Her response was pithy and to the point.
  4. The Royal Ballet remained very much the centre of Shaw's world, and his pithy comments revolved around its artistic and social manoeuvres, but the mainspring of his life - the glory and challenge of being a supreme athlete and artist on stage - could not be replaced.
  5. And writers are going to Russia: at the Barbican Pit at the moment is Robert Holman's enchanting play for the RSC, Across Oka, which uses the relationship between an English and a Russian adolescent to say some pithy things about divides both cultural and geographic.
  6. Politicians don't have time to read screeds, so you have to give them short, pithy things to look at, We were doing all this anyway, of course, but the chaps at Barton, including Andy, are working on it much more effectively since we were able to say definitely that the DTI civil servants were agin them.
  7. On World in Action, Mr Kinnock showed that he can be pithy and incomprehensible at one and the same time.
  8. Pithy and allusive interjections worked well in a shaikh's guestroom, but less well when a speaker had to queue for his turn at a microphone to make himself heard.
  9. But the whole thrust of this production is to undercut rhetoric and to give Webster's pithy, metaphysical images their due weight.
  10. THE OXFORD BOOK OF APHORISMS ed by John Gross Oxford, 6.99 APHORISMS in the post-Johnsonian sense of "a short pithy statement containing a truth of general import" are verbal successes that everyone strives for and few achieve, as Thoreau said, and John Gross here quotes, "A perfectly healthy sentence is extremely rare."
  11. It was brief, pithy and, like everything Lewis wrote in prose, hugely readable.
  12. Once again, though, he made the usual pithy Formula 1 comments coupled with amusing anecdotes from the IOM historic jolly, making for a well-balanced, interesting page.
  13. He covers his conversion from croissants to communism while in France in the 1920s, but reserves the bulk of his pithy and precise political biography for the events since 1949.

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