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Перевод: platter speek platter

большое плоское блюдо; граммофонная пластинка


  1. Svend Larsen pushed a pile of papers to one side of his desk, took a platter of open sandwiches from the top of his bookcase and set it down between Elisabeth and himself.
  2. Tasty platter
  3. Set the dish on a large platter and surround with cucumber, tortilla chips and chicory leaves.
  4. Then, restraining Loppe with a light hand, she fetched wine and a platter for Nicholas, and poured for them all before she sat down herself.
  5. Having watched the ignominious departure of Mr Jakes, the president himself - which Mr Husak had become - can hardly have been surprised that his own head was now being demanded on a platter.
  6. from good china shops and department stores; bread and butter plate, 19.95; oval platter, 28.95.
  7. Midnight briefly intercepted his look, then turned to the side table, exchanging a platter of carved meats for cheesecake, as if he rejected any attempt to penetrate his wall of reserve.
  8. Jamiroqua's debut platter, "When You Gonna Learn", is available through Acid Jazz
  9. I'm not saying it's hard work, like working on a farm, but they certainly don't give everything to you on a silver platter," she added as her name was called for yet another fitting.
  10. fresh fruit platter with fruity fromage frais dip
  11. There immediately behind the silver platter of Salmon la Rgence, was James Halden.
  12. The agency adds: "Determined to reduce the influence of conservationist non-governmental organisations on CITES and its partners, Lapointe has delivered CITES on a silver platter to the poachers and smugglers."
  13. We washed six place settings (one side plate, one dinner plate, one pudding bowl, one dessert plate for each setting, plus one large serving platter and three serving dishes), cutlery (eight pieces for each place setting), six champagne, red wine and white wine glasses, a roasting tin, four saucepans, four serving spoons, a carving knife and fork, six coffee cups and saucers and a caftire, both by hand and using a Bosch SMS 6032 dishwasher to compare use of water and detergents and the end results.

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