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Перевод: plea speek plea

заявление; заявление подсудимого; жалоба ; иск по суду; оправдание; предлог ; довод ; ссылка ; призыв ; просьба ; мольба


  1. Usually nothing further need be proved in relation to uniform but here problems can be envisaged because an officer had no helmet or tunic on, then the general appearance of the officer could be put in evidence if required in the case of a "not guilty" plea.
  2. His books include "an expos of Satan's secret rulers on earth" and a strong "plea for discernment in the Church".
  3. If such a defence were available in murder cases - and the consequence of a successful plea would be to give the court a limited discretion as to the order to be made - the case for a separate doctrine of diminished responsibility would be weak.
  4. The trial judge admitted in evidence under section 74 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 the co-defendant's plea of guilty.
  5. He left a plea behind him: "Stop the killings in Braov."
  6. He would also like to see plea bargaining introduced, although he says he would not have accepted a reduced criminal plea.
  7. A senior judge, hearing a plea for damages made on behalf of a twenty-five-year-old man who claimed that his sex life had been seriously affected by an accident with a bulldozer, asked whether the plaintive was married.
  8. The recent plea of diminished responsibility From Peter Sutcliffe, the so-called Yorkshire Ripper, was unsuccessful - to the great surprise of the examining psychiatrists.
  9. This entire case depends on the assumption that the trust to set up a building in the town will be enforced in specie , The plea that payment should be allowed instead is ignored: the town has a greater interest in acquiring a ready-made building than in constructing or commissioning one itself.
  10. Roker boss issues plea
  11. You speak about my "plea for sponsorship".
  12. If one trespasses beyond the limits, he quietly corrects the fault in a plea, never a paroxysm.
  13. The Conservative Conference: MacGregor in plea for teachers not to strike

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