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Перевод: pleasantness



  1. Relatively prosperous independent towns and cities with considerable manufacturing industry generally located in "Middle England" - prosperous but lacking the cultural facilities and scenic pleasantness of A. They include Slough, Coventry and Watford.
  2. Henry could not quite work out why, since her pleasantness was not always followed by a request for money or some other favour; perhaps she was remembering something he had quite forgotten, an incident during their courtship perhaps (they must have had a courtship) or a Henry, now lost to Henry himself, who could have inspired feelings such as pleasure.
  3. She had called it maturity, this pleasantness.
  4. After the sickening shock of the rapid deterioration of her first childish marriage, she had been so afraid of ever again being engulfed by hatred and violence that she had maintained a resolute pleasantness even through the worst of times, even with Charles, who was not an easy man.
  5. The answer is that it is simply the degree of an experience's pleasantness or painfulness taken at a moment, or its average pleasantness or painfulness over a period.
  6. Alix was mousy, square-faced, healthy of complexion, and, even then, extraordinarily pleasant of expression, with a pleasantness that was at times radiant, and almost always irrefutable: she was wearing, as girls who had them did for their Oxbridge interviews in those days, a two-piece middle-aged suit of an oatmeal mix, with square shoulders and a straight skirt.
  7. "They cannot be considered only with respect to their potential ability to reduce accidents, but must be designed and evaluated while taking into account their impact on other factors capable of improving people's "feeling" towards the area they live in: practicability (access, parking, orientation, etc.), satisfaction of basic needs of the residents (communication, rest, play, pleasantness of the environment, etc.) and avoidance of nuisances."
  8. (2) The denial that there is some one and the same quality of pleasantness and another of painfulness which mark all those experiences which it is desirable to promote or prevent is a more forceful objection to Benthamite utilitarianism.
  9. Similarly, he celebrates the great house at Allington, which is early Stuart and built next to the road, with the comment: "To be near the village, so as in some way to afford comfort, protection, and patronage, and perhaps also with a view to the pleasantness of neighbourhood for its own inmates, seemed to be the object of a gentleman when building his house in the old days."
  10. Apart from a superficial, tactile pleasantness, I felt nothing at all.
  11. When it was done the whole house had acquired a new pleasantness and comfort.
  12. Towards the end of his reign, in the ordinance of the forest of 1306, the king speaks of being confronted "with the inspection of human weakness" and the wide burdens that fell upon him, he being "inwardly tormented with divers compunctions, tossed about by the waves of divers thoughts", and being "frequently troubled, passing sleepless nights, hesitating in our inmost soul upon what ought to be done, what to be held, or what to be presented"; "about this chiefly is our mind busied without intermission, that we may prepare the pleasantness of ease and quiet for our subjects dwelling in our realm, in whose quiet we have some rest, and in their tranquillity we are inwardly cherished with odours of satisfaction and the flowers of hoped-for peace."

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