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Перевод: plexiglass

плексиглас ; органическое стекло


  1. ORIGINAL Marshall JTM-45 plexiglass, old logo, 500. 15 weekdays.
  2. The first floor contains paper sculptures - he has used torn, cut, folded and painted paper to form provocative jumbles contained in plexiglass cases; these abstract explorations of texture and form, which closely parallel his metal pieces, are attractively priced at 10,000.
  3. At 1-;10 Summer Street, an unrestored light industrial building in Farringdon, formerly occupied by a printing business, Jay Jopling is presenting ten plexiglass sculptures by Marcus Taylor (to 25 June), who is included in "The London Portfolio".
  4. Mathematics, minimalism, and an almost Roman sense of order are the hallmarks of Ungers' works - in 1992 at the Philomene Magers gallery he installed a horizontal and a vertical beam, made of wood and plexiglass respectively: the x and y axes of an imaginary co-ordinate system.
  5. The only styling change was to the headlamps with the plexiglass shells removed.
  6. Koons' sculpture from this period - of vacuum cleaners encased in plexiglass, basketballs floating in aquariums, and a stainless-steel bunny - garnered a good deal of critical acclaim and important fans, among them the art dealer Mary Boone.
  7. A large hole had appeared in the Plexiglass right in front of Ed, and he was struck in the chest.
  8. DAN Armstrong Ampeg plexiglass bass, 1969, excellent condition, 750.
  9. "For years we had been trying to lower and streamline the bonnets of front-engined cars and the mid-engined configuration allowed us to obtain an extremely low nose, deeply recessed between sculpted front wings that sloped down to the headlights, which were contained in a plexiglass fairing to continue the line.
  10. Plexiglass, used by many modern German artists, she considers "about as dead as glass can be, the antithesis of good glass".
  11. The headlamps became two circular projectors housed in the wings and covered by plexiglass shells.
  12. In the larger exhibition area, the Austrian artist has created an architectural structure of monochrome agglomerate tiles and pieces of carpet of every shape and colour, while the smaller room accommodates a three-dimensional work in plexiglass.
  13. Should England win the World Cup next time round, you will undoubtedly notice that a small shard of plexiglass is missing from the said carrying case.

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