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Перевод: plo.

Организация освобождения Палестины


  1. Recognition of this fact led Jordan and the PLO to co-operate despite frosty relations.
  2. However, like the Arab states the PLO was unable to establish sufficient military strength to threaten Israel, or even to obtain diplomatic recognition with the more influential Western powers.
  3. The United States found the implications of these new political realities harder to accept than the rest of the international community, which had almost unanimously welcomed the PLO's clarified accommodationism.
  4. This idea was reiterated by US Secretary of State, George Schultz, reflecting US determination that any settlement for the West Bank should exclude the PLO and restore Jordanian sovereignty, in theory if not in practice.
  5. On the official level, the PLO is still insisting that "it is ready to accept to deal with the Baker plan" but only if the composition of the Palestinian delegation is publicly selected by the PLO.
  6. I managed to speak to the leader of the PLO.
  7. Since the PLO, composed of both accommodationist and rejectionist groups, could not accept either without damaging its internal unity, Jordan seemed pivotal to any settlement for the West Bank.
  8. Egypt has drafted a list of potential Palestinian delegates composed of PLO supporters from the occupied territories and deportees who are senior PLO activists.
  9. Mr Arafat quickly sent a message to all PLO offices saying: "Thank you all - I am well, thank God."
  10. Mr Husseini, the most senior supporter of the PLO in the occupied territories, has spent much of his time recently trying to prevent the killing of Palestinians suspected of collaborating with the Israeli authorities.
  11. The United States required continuing evidence of PLO acceptance of Israel and repudiation of violence as the price for diplomatic contact, but it was unclear whether it was yet willing to encourage Palestinian accommodationist tendencies by granting the PLO anything more than a hearing.
  12. Indeed, it only recognized the PLO as a substantive interlocutor for the Palestinian people after world condemnation of its decision to bar Arafat from entry to the United States to address the United Nations in New York in December 1988, and after he had addressed its General Assembly in Geneva instead.
  13. It was the United States' adamant policy with respect to the PLO that made the latter's relations with Moscow so robust.

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