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Перевод: poignancy speek poignancy

острота ; пикантность ; мучительность ; резкость ; едкость ; колкость ; проницательность


  1. And poignancy is why he obsessively prizes and keeps open ancient wounds.
  2. There is a moment here when Fred Pearson's Shotover (looking like a raffish, siren-suited version of Shaw himself) says of his daughter, Lady Utterword, that she is afraid that she has no heart to break: at which point Jennie Stoller's stately, voluptuous Ariadne throws himself at his feet with a wrenching poignancy.
  3. In a scene of the utmost poignancy we see Isaac's trembling bewilderment turn quickly to horror, and Esau's anguish become murderous hatred of his brother.
  4. Morrissey has always lived and breathed poignancy, always secretly treasured the gulf between himself and the loved one, the difference that makes love possible but makes possession illusory, a delusion, so that, in the end, we are all unrequited lovers.
  5. Anyone who's ever treasured their pain, tried to prolong it, toyed with exacerbating it or been driven to dwell on inside it long after recovery was an option, preferring the company of ghosts to the dreamlessness of everyday sociability - that person understands poignancy.
  6. She felt a certain poignancy though.
  7. Poignancy spells NANCY.
  8. But it is the very acuteness of his suffering from this starvation which gives such poignancy to his art.
  9. The poignancy of having distressed relatives say, "How many times can you say goodbye?" cannot be overestimated, and allows us a glimpse of some of the problems of anticipated grief.
  10. But poignancy isn't just retrospective, it's also the rapture that's the same as grief, a radiant apprehension of death.
  11. In its own, gentle way, poignancy is as profound an intimation of the contradictions of being, as any of the mindfuck experiences or headlong plunges into the horror-of-it-all that the anti-Morrissey brutalists advocate.
  12. There also appeared to be less dissension on state aid and subsidies, a subject given added poignancy by the recent revelations about the UK Government's "sweeteners" to British Aerospace at the time of the takeover of Rover.
  13. Poignancy (and this is why its domain is the minor key) is the exquisite meshing of two contradictory feelings.

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