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Перевод: politic speek politic

благоразумный; проницательный; ловкий; хитрый; расчетливый; политичный; обдуманный


  1. Although law reform was at hand, the government found it politic in 1977 to set up a Home Office Committee on Obscenity, Indecency, Violence and Film Censorship under the Chairmanship of the Cambridge Professor of Philosophy, Bernard Williams.
  2. Zionism was an alien presence in the Arab body politic.
  3. We therefore weighing with ourselves how to prevent the endeavours of such wicked persons thought necessary to disunite and dissociate the Apothecaries of our City of London from the Freedom of the Mystery of Grocers into one body Corporate and politic to whom in all future time the management of those inconveniences might be given charge and committee after the manner of other Companies.
  4. Julia Noon, aged 12, of St Anne's on Sea, Lancashire, took the politic and patriotic route and wrote to 10 Downing Street to find out the Prime Minister's favourite foods.
  5. It results from the department intervening in deals under which aluminium firms paid part of the cost of building two nuclear power stations - Hunterston A and Dungeness B - in return for assured cheap power and a share of the plutonium produced in the reactors.The department decided that it would not be politic for private companies to own plutonium and is negotiating to purchase the stocks.
  6. He might even allow himself a wry laugh when he considers how the West has come to excoriate Ceausescu today, after all those years when they applauded his "daring" dissent from Warsaw Pact orthodoxy, and acting as a thorn in the Kremlin's body politic.
  7. For instance, witness Steven Wells fulminating in the NME : "Pop can be treated as the vile pus that drips from sores of a cancerous body politic."
  8. Sometimes bungalow-land and the world of the tenements met, however, and Scotland remained a body politic with democracy as its core and Glasgow its heart.
  9. Some may indeed dream of a united Germany: few believe it is politic to speak or even think of such a thing.
  10. Having these possibilities in mind, people agree to unite, and to "enter into society to make one people, one body politic, under one supreme government".
  11. It depends, however, entirely on the attitude which we as conquerors adopt towards the conquered, whether we stop the free circulation in the body politic by our institutions or so organise the dependent races as to leave open opportunities for a proper exercise of the social ambitious instinct defined previously as the desire to exercise power over others for their own good on the part of the individual native leaders so endowed.
  12. We define ourselves as "normal" by repressing our own capacity for violence or the visionary - just as we suppress and marginalize those people in the body politic who've gone over limits.
  13. Now in the economic crisis, Italy and Nazi Germany found it politic to buy Hungarian grain.

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