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Перевод: pollutant speek pollutant



  1. As experimenters came under pressure to test their laboratory theories in the forests themselves, it became increasingly clear that whatever was killing the forests, it was not a single known pollutant.
  2. The computer is fed with all the relevant data, and ecological theory, and is then asked, "if we did such and such, to this lake (or river, or bay, or whatever), what effect would this have on such and such a pollutant?"
  3. In the troposphere he emphasised the important reactions of the hydroxyl radical, which he described as the "detergent" of the atmosphere because of its pollutant removal capacity, particularly in the tropics.
  4. Deposition of nitric acid in particular may contribute to the equation as a fertiliser as well as a pollutant per se.
  5. The Act had failed to control smoke or sulphuric or nitric acid, and it set only a percentage reduction for the pollutant it did cover, without a total ceiling on pollution.
  6. A 1m five-year research project into the effects of atmospheric pollutants on forest and crops has suggested that pollutant gases in the atmosphere are causing damage to trees by triggering aphid attacks.
  7. There was no way at present of costing one environmental "pollutant" against another.
  8. If a new factory creates a pollutant which is about as poisonous as, say, privet leaves, it may be heckled out of business.
  9. Sometimes enzymes used for degradation of a target contaminant are not induced by the presence of the pollutant, either because the concentration is too low or because of the xenobiotic nature of the compound.
  10. Besides the destruction of their habitat caused by dam building, silt and pollutant discharges into rivers, and the effects of boat traffic, the dolphins have also had to contend with accidental capture in fisheries, directed hunts for food and other uses, and even capture for display in overseas aquaria.
  11. His colleague Dr Freer-Smith said, "in many areas of West Germany there is evidence to link specific pollutants as a major causal factor; but I also think the Germans would accept that there are both natural and pollutant stresses interacting - the idea that has been referred to as the multiple stress hypothesis."
  12. Examples of community projects that NERC has set up include the Terrestrial Initiative in Global Environmental Research (Tiger), which includes carbon cycling and trace greenhouse gases, as well as water and ecosystems; the Biomolecules Special Topic, which covers fossil biomolecules; and a Pollutant Pathways project run jointly with the Agricultural and Food Research Council, which is studying leakage from agricultural systems into aquifers and groundwater.
  13. "The diesel engines are much more of a pollutant than buses," he said dismissively.

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