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Перевод: position speek position

местоположение; расположение; место; обычное место; положение; правильное место; позиция ; поза ; должность ; высокое положение; состояние; возможность ; точка зрения; отношение;
ставить; помещать; определять местоположение


  1. In one version, for example, the odd position of Nicolas Pertusato's hands is rationalised by the addition of a piano.
  2. But Mrs Thatcher retorted: "A party that can't even decide its name is hardly in a position to criticise anyone."
  3. My first choice of tide for this book was The Offshore Island because it reflects a return to our seventeenth-century political and military status, and our true position in the world today.
  4. Their pleas for greater security had gone unheard, and this murder in their view was the "inevitable" outcome, raising the whole question of the social position of intellectuals in contemporary China.
  5. My aggressiveness towards the adults around me for putting me in such an invidious position was certainly unacknowledged and unconscious, and had my sisters not told me of my bullying tactics - which I had conveniently forgotten - it is likely that I should not be able to acknowledge it even now.
  6. Thrust your elbows back 15 times, holding in the extreme thrust position for 1 second between each repetition.
  7. That first foundation was called the Basilica of the Apostles, this being changed later to the Roman Basilica because of its position beside the Porta Romana.
  8. But Hearts, hoping for runners-up position and a place in Europe, were held to a goalless draw by St Mirren.
  9. Unless I'm deceiving myself totally, my position within this community is steel-strong.
  10. At the regional level, Palestine became the focus for inter-Arab rivalries because of its potent position in the Arab consciousness.
  11. Anyone in that position would have been absolutely terrified."
  12. I reviewed the position.
  13. The Company Sergeant Major moved around the position, calling platoon commanders and those in charge of the elements attached to the Company Group.

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