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Перевод: postulant speek postulant



  1. He had even painted the convent where I had sought consolation in my early homesickness and had agreed with Mother Joseph that I should apply to the Mother House to be accepted as a postulant and return in the course of time, if God so willed, as a professed nun to help her teach the children and grow the herbs and milk the goats and say the prayers in the cool chapel.
  2. I was more baffled than a pregnant postulant in a eunuch's prefab.
  3. Occasionally a party is defied, and a rejected and disgruntled postulant insists on standing as an independent.
  4. What an extraordinary suggestion, to put forward a girl - a charity child who was not a Sister, a novice, a postulant, nor anyone with the remotest intention of becoming a nun - and raise her up above the many Sisters in the Community who were all hoping and praying for a chance of higher education what would they feel if a girl who had already been pampered, it seemed, by the convent in Knockglen, were put in to study, over their heads?
  5. When I was a postulant, or aspirant young novice, I used to work in the laundry.
  6. "Sir, the cadet postulant does not know."

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