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Перевод: predict speek predict



  1. What that culture will look like is difficult to predict, but it will certainly not be the same as its Danish equivalent, given the very real historical and cultural differences between our two societies.
  2. Besides, if Maidstone could predict so accurately when Elsie would appear then it would be a simple matter to find her again - perhaps at the same time tomorrow.
  3. But last year housebuilding bottomed out at about half the level of 1988 and analysts predict a slow upturn in 1992.
  4. Depending upon the date of the interview we could predict quite well whether people would name defence as the Conservatives' main campaign theme, but it was the date of the interview rather than the personal characteristics of the interviewee that mattered.
  5. The unstated corollary is that if the computer models don't predict the impact of El Chichn on climate successfully, it will cast doubt on their accuracy in predicting other climatic changes - such as the "greenhouse effect", the hypothetical warming effect that is due to the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  6. Not only can you find out the results of addition quickly after all the figures have been written down, you can also predict the results of adding together three rows of figures after only one has been written down.
  7. They want to find if there is any way to predict it and possibly prevent it.
  8. Kelly and Sear predict that things should actually improve over the next few months as the northern hemisphere continues to recover from the 0.5C cooling that actually happened in June last year.
  9. Most European countries predict shortages of software specialists.
  10. It was certainly significant to the next stage of Nicholson's career, and indeed what was happening in Hollywood itself at a time of changing tastes which made it almost impossible to predict what next year's cinema audience would go into raptures about.
  11. Analysts predict it to report profits of 41 million in 1991, compared with 63 million in 1990.
  12. A climate of artistic opinion is as tricky to predict as the English weather, and also quite as changeable.
  13. It was always fairly difficult to predict differences of opinion about Conservative and Alliance chances.

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