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Перевод: preponderance speek preponderance

перевес ; преобладание; превосходство; засилье


  1. Norway, with its long winters, small farms, preponderance of stock rearing and the importance of rural off-farm work, could be compared with Orkney, Wester Ross and North Wales.
  2. Lipoproteins come in various shapes and sizes but most of the cholesterol is carried in rather small particles called low density lipoproteins or LDL - so-called because of the preponderance of lipid to protein, giving the particles a low density.
  3. The research carried out by the University of Sheffield team for the Elton enquiry found that a preponderance of teachers considered reasoning with pupils outside the classroom setting as the most effective strategy for dealing with difficult pupils.
  4. While the loss of the West Bank reduced the demographic preponderance of the Palestinians in the state, the flight of so many eastwards and the drift of many to the economically more prosperous East Bank in previous years, left Jordan with at least 40 per cent of its population Palestinian.
  5. Therefore, the objections over planning resonated with other matters concerning bureaucratisation, the preponderance of southern officials within that bureaucracy and the Council's conduct of its meetings and its decision-making.
  6. The preponderance of directly managed units in the new arrangements could affect the remit of authorities in another way.
  7. Other religious scapegoats were not hard to find, especially in Belorussia with its preponderance of urban Jews and large Catholic minority.
  8. Scholars accept that prison statistics and other official data often discriminate against the poor and marginal, but the frequently overwhelming preponderance of these groups among those treated as criminal is thought partially to reflect social reality.
  9. I had registered for my classes, and Professor Ruiperez had shown me my lecture-rooms, where I had introduced myself to large classes of students, mixed men and women, with a preponderance of women, as is usual in foreign arts faculties.
  10. The word Resident normally implied, at least officially, a preponderance of diplomatic over administrative duties, but it was clear from the beginning that a Lugardian Resident was expected to take on a large number of purely administrative tasks.
  11. "Given the many problems with the data sets," he said, "one is not inexorably led to the conclusion that a negative secular solar radius trend has existed since AD 1700, but the preponderance of current evidence indicates that such is likely to be the case."
  12. Despite their preponderance in numbers still - for probably not a great many had been slain - fleeing in all directions as they had done, horseless and with few if any senior commanders, it was all but inconceivable that they could re-form and offer any coherent opposition.
  13. The TCCB will give serious consideration this winter to the damage to techniques caused by a preponderance of one-day cricket, yet Lancashire's last three Sunday matches at home accounted for almost 80,000.

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