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Перевод: presumptive speek presumptive

предполагаемый; предположительный


  1. When the presumptive eye is grafted, after gastrulation, to the belly region and develops into an eye, the tissue shows no outward sign that it will develop into an eye.
  2. As the matter stood therefore, Anne Mowbray was in effect consort presumptive and, as such, if seized by one or other of the factions working against the Woodvilles, would herself become a pawn in the battle for the throne.
  3. "He is but heir presumptive."
  4. The notable omission was James Hamilton, earl of Arran, heir presumptive because of his descent from Mary, daughter of James II, who had married his grandfather James Lord Hamilton, and Beaton's greatest political rival.
  5. "My prince meanwhile is heir presumptive, is he not?
  6. The pioneer of bee research Karl von Frisch recalls (and we have observed) instances in which the trained foragers began to anticipate subsequent moves and to wait for the feeder at the presumptive new location.
  7. So was his position as heir presumptive, a necessary acknowledgement in order to remove any doubt created by the fact that he was the son of a divorced father and his second wife.
  8. GORDON BROWN, the heir presumptive to Neil Kinnock in the event of disaster next Friday, is heir also to John Knox.
  9. And if as heir presumptive, he happens to be an angel as well - why should his bride complain!"
  10. It was to last throughout the 1540s, and then go into abeyance, lying dormant - despite Mary Queen of Scots' burning awareness of her position as Elizabeth's heir presumptive - until it had to be faced again, when James VI succeeded to the English throne in 1603.
  11. "After all, until Edward marries and has an heir - as he will now have to do forthwith - Richard will remain heir presumptive.
  12. There is something about the man that is familiar; his art and the apparent ease of getting his work printed seem somehow facile and presumptive.
  13. On 14 December 1557, parliament agreed to send commissioners to France to negotiate the marriage, while making a sideways nod to Chtelherault's shrill demand that this should not prejudice his right as heir presumptive.

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