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Перевод: presuppose speek presuppose

предполагать; заключать в себе; включать в себя


  1. Sometimes they presuppose background knowledge which teachers do not possess; very often they demand approaches and attitudes quite at variance with those held by an average teacher.
  2. What we presuppose then is the real picture we have of God, and this may be very different from what we profess to believe about God.
  3. If we were to insist that prayer involves some form of dialogue then it would presuppose that we already know what is meant by the concept of God.
  4. If we presuppose in practice what is true in fact, then our faith in God is focussed clearly and our picture of God is true - that is, it allows God to be God.
  5. The effect is substantial and the listening comments below all presuppose that the link has been made.
  6. If we believe in God yet at the same time presuppose a picture of God which is less than he really is, our faith is bound to suffer.
  7. However, there is an alternative which doesn't presuppose the use of any particular kind of computer, or even any particular kind of network.
  8. Nevertheless, both Origen and Augustine could also presuppose the first view of inspiration.
  9. To presuppose this is both contradictory and dangerous; contradictory because the West cannot insist on a certain outcome from free elections and still uphold democracy; dangerous because, if the confusion of the two in the public mind persists, there will be many more instances of superpowers subverting elected governments because they have not opted for a market economy.
  10. The question as to whether time could conceivably exist if there were no "soul, (or mind) to apprehend it had been raised, but not answered, by Aristotle, whose definition of time as the "numbering" of motion and change in relation to before and after appeared to presuppose the existence of a "soul" that contemplates and measures it.
  11. His frequent appeals to "scientific concepts" and "scientific ideas" often presuppose an unambiguous definition of science and one that is atemporal.
  12. We expect the people to be like them and presuppose it in dealing with the people themselves.
  13. We must see how this doubt develops and be careful to presuppose only what we know to be true and to commit ourselves consciously to the consequences of these suppositions.

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