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Перевод: prise speek prise

награда ; рычаг ;
поднимать посредством рычага; передвигать посредством рычага; взламывать посредством рычага


  1. Bella put her hand on the receiver of the telephone by her chair but, even before she could lift it, she heard someone prise open the bedroom window.
  2. Beer bottles, stones, and steel rods were used to block blowholes and prise open wounds, and lances were driven into their eyes.
  3. But to prise 4d out of a working man's pocket, the slogans and graphics had to have street appeal.
  4. They can be very difficult to prise away from the hairs to which they are attached.
  5. Lee was trying to prise Philip's fingers off the helmet.
  6. This is the best way to lay amicable foundations for your more concerted efforts in the days and weeks to come as you try to prise a response out of your carefully selected target hack.
  7. The frequent argument of the left is that a greater clarity on the National Curriculum would provide a lever with which to prise out more resources for the schools.
  8. This view involves an updating of what is essentially a Brechtian formulation: self-consciousness in formal terms will induce a socio-political prise de conscience on the part of the audience/readership, making it hostile to repressive ideological discourses.
  9. When American diplomatic efforts included dtente and co-operation with the Soviet Union, Israel skilfully used the human rights issue of Soviet Jewry as a jemmy to prise the superpowers apart in 1973 and 1977.
  10. She is a stiff bundle of rags, arching this way and that, legs clamped together against his knees' efforts to prise them apart, arms straining him back up off her body.
  11. Turn off the water supply to the valve, and dismantle the valve by using pliers to remove the split pin holding the float arm, then unscrew the end cap and prise out the piston.
  12. Mr Maurette, who works at the CNRS Nuclear and Mass Spectrometry Centre near Paris, and Mr Pourchet, a glaciologist from the University of Grenoble, devised a scheme to prise micrometeorites from the continent's icy grip using hot water and careful filtration.
  13. Even so young Maggie was not a child to cheat; it did not occur to her to prise the egg open, only to stay longer in the bath and to forget to take the soap out of the water, when she climbed out herself, pink and skinny.

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