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Перевод: proclaim speek proclaim

объявлять; провозглашать; возглашать; объявлять вне закона; запрещать; говорить; обнародовать; опубликовывать; свидетельствовать; объявлять на чрезвычайном положении; прокламировать


  1. Worship, you see, is the action of the entire congregation who together proclaim what God has done and what he continues to do; we feed on his word - sacrament and Scripture - and are strengthened by his Spirit and sustained by mutual fellowship.
  2. In the one Eastern Europe country where the communists had some claim to popular legitimacy in the past, opposition spokesmen freely proclaim: "Czechoslovakia has never been a communist country.
  3. Bumper stickers proclaim "Honk if you haven't been indicted".
  4. Chain-stores and industries may take full-page advertisements in newspapers to proclaim their greenness, but no millionaire had come forward to offer a share of his eco-sound profits.
  5. Much of Souza's work can be interpreted as a sort of attack on the mixed nature of his upbringing, as though a restless and pugnacious way with paint might overcome all circumstances and proclaim the painter alone.
  6. For a politician to proclaim faith in Solidarity and a Catholic God is no longer enough to win votes.
  7. It has also encouraged computer manufacturers which use the Intel family of processors to proclaim that in advertising.
  8. The editors proudly proclaim their effort as the birth of applied myrmecology, a subject that deals with the voluminous literature on pestiferous ants and attempts to bring together authorities on problem species in a modern forum.
  9. "The National Health Service", she had to proclaim in 1982, "is safe with us".
  10. But it does, by this convention, proclaim itself to be a book of a special kind, one designed to proclaim what the faithful believe about Christ, not necessarily a book which is straight narrative history in the modern mode.
  11. One of its virtues was that it looked temporary: these may be abnormal times, it seemed to proclaim, but one day terrorism will be beaten, and once again doting parents will be able to photograph ambitious children on the steps of No. 10.
  12. Many of us prefer to think of ourselves as English, Irish, Scots or Welsh, but we proclaim our political allegiance by electing members to the British House of Commons.
  13. At least one banner will proclaim: "Rambo rules."

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