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Перевод: professorial speek professorial



  1. About 1773 he became junior professorial assistant to the professor of anatomy at Alfort veterinary school.
  2. When able men occupied the professorial chairs, there was scope for immense development.
  3. He was a dour middle-aged man, who feared he was a failure and compensated himself with an excessively professorial beard and a punctiliously formal manner.
  4. If professorial patronage was, in general, a perquisite of those at the centre of political power in Scotland, there was another, though much less valuable, form of academic patronage available to some of the politicians.
  5. But, alas, he does have one professorial failing.
  6. In 1836 the Royal College of Surgeons, one of the bastions of traditional power within the medical establishment, appointed a young and ambitious anatomist, Richard Owen, to a professorial chair.
  7. The State winched him out of the professorial chair when the ecclesiastical authority was lukewarm.
  8. On the opening page of Amis's first novel, Jim mentally decides on his own word when his professor uses another, deferentially pretending as an untenured lecturer to look amused at a weak professorial joke, and he promises himself to make another sort of face to himself when next alone.
  9. In November he was able to lecture at Central Hall, Westminster, on The Three Voices of Poetry - in the recording of that address, his clipped and precise speech, almost professorial in character, can be heard - but it was to be his last major engagement for many months.
  10. At the other end of the table from Dowd, sitting in front of a heap of newspapers doubtless carrying the Burke reports, sat a professorial man in his sixties, white hair oiled to his scalp.
  11. Following this period in the homoeopathic hospital I worked for two years in a professorial immunological unit where I set up studies in allergy to assess the efficacy of homoeopathic remedies in house-dust-mite allergy and hay fever (allergy to grass pollens).
  12. The position is expected to be filled at the professorial level, but in the event that there is no candidate with sufficient experience for appointment to the Chair, the position will be offered at Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer level.
  13. He knew his own country was falling back to heathenism again (if only on the model of Saruman, not Sauron), and while mere professorial preaching would make no difference, a story might.

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