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Перевод: proliferation speek proliferation

пролиферация ; размножение путем новообразований; разрастание путем новообразований; распространение; быстрое увеличение


  1. This phenomenal growth in consumer debt is partly explained by the proliferation of credit and charge cards, which the marketing men sell as "take the waiting out of wanting.
  2. We called this region of proliferation the progress zone because it is there, we believe, that the cells acquire their positional values.
  3. The late twenties and early thirties saw the proliferation of two forms of travel: the fastest air travel, and the most leisurely - cruising.
  4. The proliferation of one-day cricket - there were 227 limited-over internationals played between the last two World Cups - is a reflection of modern-day audience demand, and, overseas anyway, is what brings in the cash.
  5. The proliferation of these diminutive shows will soon be in inverse proportion to the theatres still open to receive them.
  6. The Tory government contributed to proliferation when it permitted the supply of nuclear weapons material to Saddam Hussein.
  7. The Australia Group comprises 20 industrialised nations committed to preventing the proliferation of chemical weapons.
  8. However, the model is consistent with experiments in which we blocked proliferation in the progress zone or killed off some of the cells.
  9. Furthermore, this lack of a detailed history of Conservatism has handicapped the study of Thatcherism itself, for the absence of a clear historical perspective has ensured that, in spite of the proliferation of literature, the ideological origins of the Thatcherite Revolution remain obscure.
  10. Observations on microbes appeared "further to relate folic acid with nucleic acid metabolism and to emphasize the probability of a role for this vitamin in cellular proliferation."
  11. Butler remarks the importance of repetition in the process of resistance and transformation: "The task is to repeat and, through a radical proliferation of gender, to displace the very gender norms that enable the repetition itself" ( Gender Trouble , 148).
  12. But where English departments are concerned "research" is more usually understood in the broader sense of adding conceptual rather than factual knowledge, which in practice means the proliferation of interpretation.
  13. Regional conflicts - along with the proliferation of missiles and nuclear, chemical and biological weapons - present growing dangers.

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