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Перевод: propulsive speek propulsive

приводящий в движение; продвигающий; побуждающий


  1. An analysis was also made of the proportion of propulsive waves.
  2. Constipating drugs such as opioids increase motility while inhibiting propulsive activity, and abnormal hypermotility patterns have been reported to occur in the irritable bowel syndrome and constipation.
  3. Using software primarily designed for oesophageal motility, the proportion of propulsive (6%-;55%) waves could be distinguished from simultaneous or mixed waves, or both.
  4. Prolonged recordings have recently confirmed that constipation predominant irritable bowel syndrome patients have significantly fewer high amplitude propagated contractions than controls, implying that they have impaired colonic propulsive activity.
  5. Walking is the most widespread form of terrestrial locomotion, during which the fore legs serve mainly as organs of traction and the mid legs as supporting structures while the hind legs exert a propulsive force.
  6. The present paper reviews the current experience in 24 hour recording from the human colon, with a primary emphasis on the more forceful propulsive contractile activity associated with the so called mass movements.
  7. The early evolutionary stages of development of wings are still in question they may have developed from outgrowths of exoskeleton from the body that assisted gliding initially, and then acquired a propulsive function.
  8. The propulsive forces are transmitted to the forequarters through the trunk.
  9. The high amplitude contractions travel over relatively long segments of the colon and appear consecutively in the more distal bowel, suggesting that this activity is coordinated and propulsive.
  10. The greater part of the propulsive force is generated on the downbeat and the relative sizes of the vertical and horizontal components of this force vary with the angle of the plane of vibration to the horizontal.
  11. A recent study showed that chronically constipated subjects displayed significantly fewer high amplitude propagated contractions and a decreased frequency of urge to defecate, suggesting that one important pathophysiological mechanism for constipation may be a decrease in the propulsive ability of the viscus.
  12. A proportion of propulsive waves was noted in patients who had undergone surgery 10 or more years previously.
  13. The function of these forceful propulsive waves seems chiefly that of shifting a relatively large quantity of intraluminal content aborally for long distances within the colonic lumen, thereby determining a right-to-left gradient important for the initiation of defecation.

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