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Перевод: protecting

защищающий; защитный; протекционистский


  1. The relevant contracts will include provisions requiring the private contractors and their employees to adopt the same standards in protecting the privacy of taxpayer information as apply to Revenue employees.
  2. A system of mandatory fees was long justified by the RIBA in terms of both protecting architects from the power of clients and ensuring that design standards were maintained by guaranteeing architects a reasonable return for their work.
  3. In northern Europe, however, factors such as population growth, urbanisation and industrialisation during the latter half of the nineteenth century produced a gradual change of heart, although the initial move towards the idea of protecting natural wilderness was encouraged primarily by European sportsmen who became concerned by the diminishing herds of game animals in the colonies (MacKenzie, 1989).
  4. The chemist has a key role to play in protecting resources, health and the environment, and also preventing the "dumping" in developing countries of chemicals rejected as too dangerous for use in the industrial world.
  5. This by the very people who should be protecting them.
  7. Polar flavonoids are antioxidants and they probably stimulate PG synthesis by protecting cyclooxygenase from inactivation by oxidation.
  8. After that exploit, the "penguin" equipment officer was well and truly grounded by a posting in 1940 to No 929, a balloon barrage squadron which was then protecting shipping in the Firth of Forth.
  9. The requirement for disclosure of information in the proposed Directive is aimed at protecting the interests of shareholders of the target company.
  10. Protecting our communities from crime is everyone's concern.
  11. Real fans, they say, need protecting; profiteering must be stopped.
  12. In the wild the male remains with the nest, protecting from all intruders except other females which he will attempt to entice in to spawn with.

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