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Перевод: psych speek psych

психологически подготовиться; подвергать психоанализу


  2. The psych smiled.
  3. The psych was surprisingly inventive.
  4. That doesn't last for ever, and it's not easy to psych yourself up to get another job after you've been given the push.
  5. Did you have to psych yourself up for the part?
  6. "They're just trying to psych each other out.
  7. The sales conference, held just before the all-important Christmas run-up began, was meant to psych up the sales force for the new line.
  8. Trefusis had wished her luck, Juliet had told her to shoot straight, and the psych techs had tried not to look her in the eyes.
  9. We went our separate ways, both recognizing that we had to psych ourselves up for the race.
  10. "Fifteen-foot Pipe - it took me a long rime to psych myself up to it.
  11. Psych.)".
  12. All they have to do is keep the mothers out of the way whenever she shows up and to psych the kids into thinking Caduta's some kind of superwomb.
  13. Occasionally, nowadays, Irene is around to psych him up before he goes in there.

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