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Перевод: psychosis speek psychosis



  1. This blanket term covers the "blues" at one end of the spectrum (affecting between 70 and 80 per cent of all women in the first week or so after birth) to the post-puerperal psychosis which temporarily hospitalizes three in every thousand mothers.
  2. An article in the Evening News of 1954 suggested that "Teddy Boys are all of unsound mind in the sense that they are all suffering from a form of psychosis.
  3. In the other - affective disorder - the predominant feature, as the name implies, is profound emotional change: either serious depression, or more classically, the wild mood swings of manic-depressive psychosis.
  4. We seem here to have further evidence of the apparent paradox about creativity and psychosis to which we have referred several times.
  5. Sakti is thus female, or feminine; a life-giving, nurturing, non-aggressive, loving force, and if western science is ever able to grasp the fact that human consciousness is an attribute of that same energy and not the result of physical, biochemical reactions, it could dispel the ever-increasing aggression, personal greed and psychosis that is pervading our present society like a cancer.
  6. Hallucinations occur when the division between the subconscious and conscious mind is blurred, producing a form of psychosis.
  7. Some had excessive swings of mood, and were either excessively energetic or elated, or, more often, inert and plagued by beliefs of their own worthlessness and guilt; the manic-depressive psychosis.
  8. Mostly they have been ambivalent, admitting on the one hand that both creativity and psychosis probably share similar underlying psychic mechanisms - unconscious motivation, involvement of "primary process" thinking (fantasy), ideational styles and so on; yet, on the other hand, unwilling to bring the two states together in any causal sense.
  9. Like acid and E, cannabis can cause psychosis to anybody with a disturbed personality, although this only occurs in extreme cases.
  10. Instead, there have been fear, outrage, and what the papers call "dioxin psychosis".
  11. In contrast, some contemporary clinicians who have discussed the topic have been much less enthusiastic about connecting creativity to psychosis.
  12. This, in turn, will cause us to address the broader issue of whether there is, in a more general sense, a genuine, causal association between insanity and at least some forms of creativity; and, if that is so, what it can tell us about the underlying qualities of psychosis and of the creative process.
  13. They were selected because it is clear that, judged by current psychiatric criteria, they all did suffer from episodes of psychosis - to introduce a technical term to be defined more precisely as we proceed through this and the following chapter, but which for the moment can be taken as synonymous with the layperson's conception of mental illness as it occurs in its most disintegrative form and which especially refers to serious disorders, like schizophrenia.

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