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Перевод: puffy speek puffy

порывистый; запыхавшийся; страдающий одышкой; одутловатый; отекший; напыщенный; высокопарный; надутый; важный; кичливый; толстый


  1. He had only seen them in books and wondered how something as light and puffy as steam could pull such heavy carriages.
  2. Huge puffy ones started springing up all over the hands at the friction points in Vincente's system of finger knots.
  3. Vic has eaten his two slices of toast and is on his third cup of tea and first cigarette of the day when Marjorie shuffles into the kitchen in her dressing-gown and slippers, a scarf over her curlers, her pale round face puffy with sleep.
  4. Her eyes were puffy and still full of tears.
  5. It's all puffy and bloody.
  6. She had a white puffy panicky face and prominent eyes accentuated by pink eyeshadow.
  7. He turned her outraged face to him, bruised from the beating, and to her fury a tear trickled out of one purple, puffy eye.
  8. Rich creams are best avoided around the eyes as the skin absorbs too readily here and may become puffy.
  9. It's weird, but when she's asleep she looks real young, even though her face is all puffy.
  10. He probed the puffy white bags under his eyes with a tentative finger.
  11. His face grew puffy, his arms and legs swelled up, and his fingers turned into purple sausages so that he kept dropping his darts.
  12. Ramsey, formerly put off by Eden's drawl, was at first put off by Macmillan's blear-eyed appearance and puffy eyes.
  13. On Anne's side, there were women's clothes - elaborate ball gowns with mock jewels sewn into the bodices and rustling, puffy sleeves and skirts.

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