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Перевод: pulse speek pulse

пульс ; пульсация ; биение; ритм ; ритм ударов; импульс ; толчок ; чувство; настроение; бобовые ;
пульсировать; биться


  1. The most well known is Tabasco sauce Pepper, types of p50 Pesto Alla Genovese p23/ A sauce of basil, garlic, Parmesan, olive oil and pine nuts for pasta Pilaf, Chicken p57 Pizza p25 Pork Olive Casserole p45 Pot Roasted Beef with Mushroom Cream Sauce p109 Prunes p61 Pulse vegetables p38/ Dried peas and beans, used extensively in vegetarian and wholefood cookery Pulse vegetables, varieties of p38
  2. Thus, as this material decomposed, a pulse of carbon-14 entered the soil organic matter, causing in apparent decrease in the radiocarbon age of the soil organic matter.
  3. Should you know your cholesterol level, after you may well take your pulse or heart rate regularly when you have been out running, so why not "know your cholesterol number" as the Americans would say?
  4. He picked up Doyle's limp hand and felt for a pulse.
  5. At the end of the very last exercise you immediately take your pulse again and note the reading (reading 2).
  6. When you hear the word shopping in future, your pulse will race and your red corpuscles will be off and away before you can say "This Week's Special Offer".
  7. Consider the situation where D = 1 and a clock pulse is applied.
  8. According to the magazine, Pulse , a provisional version of the guidelines says that "spare" living embryos may only be observed outside the womb for a maximum of 14 days.
  9. For signs of shock - pale, sweaty, faint or weak with cold limbs and a rapid, weak pulse.
  10. Moments later, Vologsky received a two-tone pulse signal over his headphones, followed by a brief message.
  11. The repetition rate of the input pulse is, up to certain limits, non-critical and usually between 18mS and 50mS.
  12. "The man with all the blood on him, the man driving the car, he says she's breathing and her pulse is all right."
  13. Cable code signals - three-condition signals - were sent to line via the siphon recorder and its shunts SS1 and RSI giving pulse working to the distant terminal where the received signals passed through the recorder coils, the high-resistance inductive shunt RS2 to earth, via SR2.

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