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Перевод: pun speek pun

каламбур ; игра слов;


  1. It's when you've been flying them for a few days consecutively that it (pardon the pun) dawns on them that they could escape and find out what's over the next hill.
  2. Such correspondences - and Barth underlines the pun - suggest that the novel is a multiple palimpsest with one textual layer over another and the roles of textual producer and fictional character constantly blurring together.
  3. In fact "Kubla" was the name of their drinking- can , and the pun may strike some people as near-sacrilege; others may consider the whole thing quite trivial.
  4. Nor can the quality of his writing be denied, though it often needed the expertise of Terry Southern to translate the confusion of Hopper and Fonda's joint (no pun intended) efforts into filmable dialogue.
  5. A typical exhibit, Thomas Kapielsky's witty "Kseplatte" is an object the size and shape of a record (platte) which also looks like a section of a round cheese (Kse); but the thing visualises at the same time an untranslatable German pun (while "Kseplatte" is normally a selection of cheeses in a restaurant, "Kse" is also colloquial for crap which can of course refer to music as well as to art).
  6. They seem to prey (forgive the pun) on the bereaved at a time of distress.
  7. "The manual is full of unexplained code words like: BWD, U, OFSSMCNTL, CRON, HDL, and PUN."
  8. "The snow's very loose on the Wildhorn at this time of year and all it took was a small charge to start the ball rolling, if you'll excuse the pun.
  9. Yet, as Tolkien remarked, "it was a pleasantly ingenious pun in its way, suggesting people with vague or half-formed intimations and ideas plus those who dabble in ink."
  10. Two real doctors, hundreds of real stories and not a colostomy pun in sight.
  11. Without Michael Fish (no pun intended) to tell me what the weather would bring the next day, I was very pleased to find that the local paper La Voz de Galicia carried an excellent synoptic chart and forecast.
  12. Wrote a great new song about it though, called "Hose Line Is It Anyway" (it's a pun, see, on "Whose" - I dunno, we're wasted in this job).
  13. AS THE bright, white, Scottish baronial of John o' Groats shone at the end of the road, Alan Holly (Joss Ackland) said, choking on a laugh or a sob or a pun, "There it is, the Holy City".

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