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Перевод: punishable speek punishable

наказуемый; заслуживающий наказания


  1. One rather strange anomaly is that such intercourse is legal between consenting male adults over the age of 21, but is illegal between heterosexuals and is punishable by a large fine or four years in prison.
  2. Why should the fact that D was engaged on causing damage to property at the time (even damage to D's own property) make his conduct into an offence punishable with life imprisonment when, if D were engaged on some other activity, it would not be punishable as such and would only amount to manslaughter if a death happened to be caused?
  3. Putting them to any secular use was considered sacrilege and was punishable by death.
  4. Here again there is a question of balance: if society has democratically determined that taxes shall be collected and revenues so received spent in certain ways, non-payment of taxes is punishable even if the defaulter is objecting on conscientious grounds to aspects of staff spending - on arms, for example.
  5. The range was wide, but only the first two attracted much notice, the Arts Council Working Party pointing out in 1969 that since these were not crimes at all, how could it be "a heavily punishable crime to "induce" these particular non-crimes?"
  6. On Wednesday, 9 April 1986, the Kosovo police (who are, of course, controlled by the Kosovo Party) arrested Kosta Bulatovi, an agricultural engineer living in Kosovo Polje, on suspicion of "carrying out a criminal act of hostile propaganda" (punishable under Article 133 of the Criminal Code of Kosovo).
  7. In 1555, it was punishable only "according to the quality of the fault in their bodies and goods at the Queen's Grace's pleasure" - that is, there was now an element of doubt expressed about the exaction of the extreme penalty.
  8. In this case the forcible retaking of possession is prohibited under penalties by statute; but the retaking, though punishable, is none the less effective to restore the possession.
  9. Any lying by the debtor during the examination constitutes perjury, which is a serious and punishable offence.
  10. "Counter-revolutionary" crimes are serious offences punishable by a bullet in the neck in some cases.
  11. (A conviction under section 24 of the EPA is punishable on summary conviction to a fine of currently 2000 or on indictment to an unlimited fine.)
  12. This state of human ability was reached centuries ago, but the power of the hierarchy was such that it made the application of reason to religious belief heretical and punishable, and has successfully delayed its application even into this late twentieth century.

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