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Перевод: racketeer speek racketeer

рэкетир ; вымогатель ; бандит-вымогатель ; бандит


  1. The use of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act 1970 (RICO) as a penalty for insider dealing has proved highly controversial.
  2. Fifth, class action suits mean that a shareholder with just one share can sue on behalf of the entire body of shareholders and, finally, the widely misused Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act allows any firm that has been charged with fraud more than three times in the previous few years, whether or not it is found guilty, to be perceived as a corrupt organisation and therefore liable for triple damages.
  3. Later in 1974, however, Eyre uncovered another masterpiece for the Royal Shakespeare Company with Frank Wedeking's The Marquis of Keith, the tale of a cynical racketeer who exploits the German passion for kultur by projecting a "Multi-Dome Art Palace", for which various dupes are only too eager to put their hands into their pockets.
  4. In the report for the Police Foundation, an independent research body, Professor Zander argues that the main US legislation, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act, is "fundamentally objectionable" since it allows forfeiture without criminal conviction.
  5. Following criticism from businesspeople and lawyers the Justice Department on Oct. 25, 1989, announced new guidelines on the use of the 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) in the prosecution of white-collar crime.
  6. The article, headed "Tragic Secrets of Jackie's British Brother and Sister", said that in 1972 Gale, 27, was stabbed and buried alive in Trinidad by henchman of the late Michael X a former black power leader and racketeer in London.
  7. It was one more indication that the government had its own vested interest in allowing Ulster to stew indefinitely in its crime and racketeer misery.

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