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Перевод: radiant speek radiant

сияющий; лучезарный; лучистый; светящийся; излучающий свет;
источник тепла; источник света; источник излучения; излучатель ; радиант


  1. A radiant expression fleetingly crossed Ari's face, followed by clouds.
  2. These orders of marine creatures have evolved feeding techniques which rely upon their food coming to them, either by strong water movement or by farming microscopic algae in their tissues which can harness the radiant energy of the sun to manufacture nutrients by photosynthesis.
  3. The aura is the radiant life-force surrounding all living and so called non-living substances of the Earth, such as water and rocks.
  4. This is Brahms at his most radiant and affecting, music of such intimacy that one is not surprised to learn that its suitability for public performance was questioned.
  5. Exultation comes and goes, but here again for the while I suppose it has returned to me in preparation for that step back into the radiant arc of omnipotence which is only given on this earth to the narrator in or of a novel.
  6. Dinah turned a radiant smile on him.
  7. Left: Lliwedd soars skyward across the radiant blue of Glaslyn.
  8. "On the very morning of his wedding Constantin was filled with a radiant happiness of love, but his doubting nature suddenly cast a shadow across his joy.
  9. Hermione was glowing radiant in the dusk, an intense silver light, vibrantly running in the tight curls of her hair like neon, in the soft pinker palms of her hands like candlelight, in her eyes and teeth like electricity, and across all her whole skin like fluorescence.
  10. So any cream or potion which implies (the advertising standards authority objects to claims that cannot be proven) that your skin will look more radiant and youthful is on to a good thing.
  11. With a stylist who understands your hair type and lifestyle, and a colourist who will adjust your shade to suit your changing needs, your hair can be radiant for life.
  12. Have I not ever come before Thee with a radiant countenance, ready for any injunctions or orders Thou mightest give?
  13. Fly over the solitary rock washed by the glacial tears of sorrow, let there be at your passing, a radiant beam over the gloomy solitary rock.

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