r ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rr rs rt ru rv rw ry rz

Перевод: radiation speek radiation

лучевой; радиационный;
излучение; радиотерапия ; радиация ; лучеиспускание; облучение; лучевой терапия; сияние


  1. So-called "artificial" glow curves can be induced in the laboratory using alpha and beta radiation sources.
  2. Last week, a conference of the Society for Experimental Biology at Lancaster University heard new information about the possible risks to crops from increased UVB radiation levels.
  3. Saturation occurs when the TL signal no longer increases significantly with the addition of further radiation; this is due to the filling of the traps with time.
  4. However, there is data available for the effects of high dose radiation on the human body, and data on radiation hazards is regularly reviewed by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of the Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR).
  5. As new evidence came to light the risks from exposure to radiation appeared worse and worse.
  6. The radiation from B to A is again subject to both doppler and gravitational effects (Figure 1b).
  7. All lamps have a built-in passive infra red sensor which react to invisible thermal radiation emitted by people or other sources of heat.
  8. Despite the recent debate on VDU health hazards, which has raged furiously on both sides of the Atlantic, Cox report that "there are no radiation levels that could be considered to be of concern to the normal individual" (Displays Technology and Applications , vol 4, p 7).
  9. To excite an electron out of its bond requires high frequency radiation, falling in the ultra-violet part of the spectrum.
  10. The crew fell ill with radiation sickness and after six months, despite intensive care, the radio operator died, the first known victim of the H-bomb.
  11. X-irradiation destroys the stem cells and the resulting depletion of blood cells - no more are made - is the basis of radiation sickness, and leads to death.
  12. Such data include those from the Population and Agricultural Censuses as well as point data from rain gauge sites and radiation monitoring stations.
  13. Once there, they are broken up by ultraviolet radiation, releasing chlorine atoms which destroy ozone, CFCs are also an important greenhouse gas (see above).

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