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Перевод: rapid speek rapid

быстрый; скорый; скоростной; крутой (о склоне);
порог реки; стремнина


  1. Italian fakers traditionally encouraged the rapid development of a patina by such measures as exposing the bronze on the workshop roof for some months, or by burying the piece in a dunghill.
  2. Walsh's investigations made more rapid progress than he can have expected.
  3. It is often more energy-intensive with a more rapid deterioration than low-tech buildings!
  4. However, permanent parking outside in all weathers has been shown to cause rapid deterioration to the finish of all non-metal gliders.
  5. The planning and arrangements for handling any emergency depend upon an accurate and rapid evaluation of any accident and its progression, and hence on sufficient accurate radiation monitoring on and off site, the speedy collection and analysis of data, and good communications, together with arrangements for the assembly and accurate briefing of representatives of the media.
  6. The rapid growth of ACET since its inception in 1988 has made the creation of this new post a priority.
  7. I refer to the rapid decline of the use of walnut in English furniture making in the first half of the 18th century.
  8. Some companies give such a high priority to the rapid and secure transmission of voice, data and documents that they have built private telecommunications networks in preference to using public systems.
  9. But the main goal of the 1990s could be to transform a big, heavily armed standing army into a more flexible force, capable of rapid deployment around the globe.
  10. Gen Aoun rejected the Arab peace pact for failing to ensure a clear, rapid timetable for the withdrawal of Syria's 33,000 troops from Lebanon.
  11. The rapid growth of adult missions and societies prompted a few determined men led by James Paul to found the National Deaf and Dumb Society in 1879, with James Paul as the first secretary.
  12. It seems its very high speeds are only achieved occasionally, when pursuing food or escaping, and it normally cruises at about a third or a half of its rapid dashes.
  13. His try was a beauty as, unusually for English outside-halves, he weaved a delicate and rapid path of dummy, swerve and shuffle through well-guarded spaces.

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