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Перевод: ravine speek ravine

ущелье; овраг ; яр ; лощина ; ложбина ; дефиле


  1. Just north of Beirut, at the Nahr al-Kelb, the Dog River, where a doubtful trickle of brown water creeps through a narrow ravine next to a disused railway bridge, inscriptions, steles, cuneiform reliefs and plaques commemorating 25 centuries of armies are carved onto the walls of the gorge.
  2. I followed them onto a narrow, crumbling ledge above the ravine where the wind hurled us against the wall.
  3. Once, twice, three times, he rolled, hands scrabbling at the mud, crashing through light scrub for the safety of the trees and the ravine.
  4. Trent found a boulder on the edge of the ravine which he prised loose so that a light push would send it crashing down the ridge and he hid one of the shotguns at the foot of a solitary pine.
  5. Deep caves and passages have been cut into the limestone by streams flowing from Ben More Assynt: by the glen of Traligill Burn, the Vikings' Trolls' Gill or giants' ravine; Noc nan Uamh, the "hill of the caves", Allt nan Uamh, the "burn of the caves".
  6. The courtyard is on the site of a ravine and its most interesting feature, the Matthias Gate, once stood alone at its entrance.
  7. It sculptures caves in its banks as it falls into a deep ravine, and becomes sedate only in its later stages as it leaves its dale to lose its identity in the River Lune.
  8. He contemptuously hurled the notice-board into a ravine.
  9. After the autumn and winter rains the stream becomes a raging torrent, flowing in places along a deep ravine.
  10. Through the slats of the shutters we saw the high, green sides of a ravine and a solitary tree fern growing luxuriantly, a living fossil from the coal forests of the Carboniferous.
  11. There was little chance of his being hit, but he slipped deliberately, pitching forward, striking the ground with his shoulder and rolling fast for the ravine where he'd hidden the first gun.
  12. Crossing the head of the ravine, he headed on up the meadow keeping within the treeline for protection and using the flashlight.
  13. Pollen analysis from Loch Lang, S.Uist (Bennett and Fossitt unpublished) near the famous Allt Volagir ravine (Spence, 1960) show maximum tree pollen values of between 50% and 70% total pollen for the early and mid-postglacial.

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